
1.Put the letters in order to make nouns:slilens,moredob,snakewes,dessans,massend,redpinfish,peashspin,sillensone,tinshiporeal
2.Complete the crossword.
a)He's the first person to arrive at work and the last person to go.He does more than anybody else.He's very hard-___
b)They're a beautiful couple.She's very beautiful and he's good-____
c)You've got the pen in your left hand.Are you left-____
d)She's the director of a large multinational company.I'm sure she's well-___
e)You should be more relaxed and easy-____
f)That teacher only teaches two lessons a day.He's part-__
g)She's well-____.She always knows where she should be and what she has to do.
h)People from Northern Europe sometimes have blonde hair and are blue-____

Răspuns :

1.illness,boredom, weakness, sadness, madness, friendship, happiness, loneliness, relationship.
2. a) He's very hard-working
b) She's very beautiful and he's good-looking.
c) Are you left-handed?
d) I'm sure she's well-trained.
e) You should be more relaxed and easy-going.
f) He's part-time worker.
g) She's well-informed.
h) People from Northern Europe sometimes have blonde hair and are blue-eyed.