The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world .Its are of more than 9 mln sq km is only a little smaller than the are of Europe.More than 320 milion people live there .The USA is made out of 50 states .2 states
- Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the country .Alaska is to the North of the continent and its separated by Canada.Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.
There are many rivers and lakes in the USA.The Mississippi that flows through the central plains to the Golf of Mexico. Its about 6210 km long.In the North between the USA and Canada the 5 Great Lakes lie : Lake Superior , Huron , Michigan , Erie and Ontario. The Great Lakes make up the largest group os lakes in the country , as well the greatest collection of fresh-water lakes in the world.
The capital os the USA is Washington DC. The largest city in the USA is New York , its also the biggest seaport. Other largest cities in the USA are Chicago , Los Angeles , Seatle , Atlanta , Huston , Boston etc.
The USA governament consists of 3 branches. Thee first one is the Congress, the second one - the President and his helpers and the third one is the Supreme Court.