
Buna, cum se scrie o felicitare de Craciun in engleza?

Răspuns :

in caz ca te adresezi unui prieten:
Dear... (precizezi numele),
This year, I want a special Christmas, I have some gifts for you and I think you will be so happy when you will see them. I wanted to ask you to come spend your free time with me, when Christmas comes. When you decide, please let me know your answer. Hope for the best.

Merry Christmas!
Love you, ...(iti precizezi numele)

*poti scrie altcumva, dar eu asa m-am gandit sa o scriu

in caz ca vrei sa ii faci o scrisoare lui mos craciun

Dear Santa,
This Christmas, I don't want a gift, I just want a healthy, kind and happy family. This is all I want for Christmas. I really love my family and this thing will make me really happy. I am happy with what I have and I don't want any gift from you.

Merry Christmas!
Love you, ...(iti precizezi numele)

*repet, poti scrie diferit, e doar un model, e ideea mea

sper ca te-am ajutat, bafta!