
Salut! Am de facut la engleza o compunere cu titlul hobbyul meu preferat in care sa mentionez: cand am inceput sa il practitc, de ce ti se pare fascinant si de ce l-as recomanda si altora. Va rog frumos sa ma ajutati. Multumesc anticipat! Hobbyul meu este sa ascult muzica

Răspuns :

My hobby.

Well my hoppy isn't somethig very unusual. I listen Music, a lot and I enjoyed it very much. I do this because it makes me happy and I enjoy it since I was a little kid.It pleased not only my ears, but my soul too.It stientifical that music help and Also you can learn new things, like English, for example.Evryone should listen Music when they're happy insecure or depressed, because it would bright they're day.