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Th e word ‘family’ has multiple meanings in the dictionary. It is ‘a
social unit living together’ or ‘parents and their children, considered as
a group, whether dwelling together or not’. In a broader term, relatives
can also be added to this group. However, family is much more than
that. For each individual, family is the cradle of life and love where they
are born and grow. It is the fi rst learning place of an individual in this
world. Starting from childhood until old age, he learns everything from
his family. He learns how to love, how to behave, how to come along in
life, all from his family. Th ese all are values that should be taught and
learnt in the family. People do not suddenly become honest and responsible when they become teenagers or
adults. Th e development of these values is a long process.
Th e family unit is that community of people in which moral values are taught and the spiritual and cultural
heritage of society are passed from generation to generation. Parents have both a right and a duty to educate
their children. Adults within the family give children people to identify with, examples to learn from, values and
traditions to uphold, and a support system to turn to in times of need. It is not enough to set a good example;
adults must also live by these examples. Valuing oneself and others is a powerful model. In addition to how we
treat family members, it includes how we treat others as adults, and how we treat and talk about others outside
the family. It has to do with how we lead our lives.
By promoting honesty, integrity, commitment and loyalty, parents encourage respect for self and others and
tolerance of diff erences. When teaching their children such values, adults set a personal example of considera-
tion, kindness, fairness, compassion and generosity toward others. Th ey foster their children to become good
citizens and appreciate doing things which make life better for self and for others.
Identifying and communicating the values of the family can be helpful in making personal decisions, in
helping to manage time, energy and resources to the fullest, in helping one to know oneself better and eliminate
some of the confusions in life. Th is process of teaching values, by no means, will help children formulate their
own desired system of values and try to act or behave in accordance with their values. It will also help them to
better understand and respect others who have diff erent values.

Răspuns :

Familia are mai multe semnificatii :
1 ) O unitate sociala care traiesc impreuna , chiar si daca nu traiesc impreuna tot sunt o familie .
2) Familia este leaganul vietii si al iubiri in care ne nastem si crestem .
   De la familie invatam cum sa ne comportam si sa invatam lucruri noi.
3 ) Familia este o unitate de oamenii in care sunt predate valorile spirituale si culturale .
Familia ajuta in luarea decizilor personale .