
Alege din parenteze ce este corect : 1.If you don’t feel (good/well), ask the boys to play (quiet/quietly). 2. Whenever she gets (tired/tiredly), she opens the window (wide/widely) and looks (envious/enviously) into the street where the people walk (happy/happily) and seem very (joyful/joyfully). 3. Why are you so (impatient/impatiently) to know her mark at the exam? 4. Th e doctor examined me (attentive/attentively) and kept (silent/silently) for a moment, a thing that made me become (restless/ restlessly). 5. It seems so (strange/strangely) that they won’t come; they became so (enthusiastic/enthusiastically) when we called and asked them (earnest/earnestly) to join us. 6. If you are not (attentive/attentively) you may fall down and hurt youself (bad/badly). 7. She looked so (tired/tiredly) that we decided to send her to bed (immediate/ immediately). 8. Th e proposal sounded (good/well) and we accepted it (willing/willingly). 9. She remained (silent/ silently) for a moment, then she started explaining (feverish/feverishly) her view point on the matter.