
As dori o poveste de groaza cu inceputul : " I heard a noise and downstairs to investigate".. , daca se poate sa fie de 120 -180 de cuvinte , multumesc

Răspuns :

I heard a noise, and I went downstairs to investigate. I was shocked. A girl's dead body was lying in a corner. The girl was drowning in her own blood. I was completely horrified. I sat on my knees, trying to find her pulse, but it was useless. I wanted to call the police, but I knew that in that case, I'll be the criminal. I tried to find as fast as I could a clue, and the only thing I found, was a button. I thought about it, and the only conclusion was that when the criminal was about to kill her, she tried to defend herself, so she tried to touse his clothes. Suddenly, I heard a voice ,, You are the next one". Behind me, was the criminal. I couldn't move because of my fear. He came closer to me, and before he stabbed me, I woke up. That was the most horror dream of my life!