1. I have a big happy family which consists of 4 members:me, my mather, my father and my brother.=am o familie mare si fericita care este formata din:mine, mama, tata si fratele meu.
2.We have a dog, which has been living with us since I was 5.=avem un caine care locuieste cu noi de cand aveam 5 ani.
3.I have a cousin with whom I understand best, and we always go out on our spare time.=am un verisor cu care ma inteleg cel mai bine, si noi mergem mereu in oras in timpul liber.
4.I have an aunt who always brings me gifts when she comes to visit me.=am o matusa care mereu imi aduce cadouri cand vine sa ma viziteze.
5.Me and my brother are getting along well.=eu si fratele meu ne intelegem bine.