
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii folosind cele 4 timpuri ale prezentului sau ale trecutului :
1.Cand merg la Londra ,stau intr.un hotel luxos.
2.Erau obositi cand i.ai intalnit?
3.Avionul a aterizat cu 2 ore in urma.
4.Bebelusul plangea cand mama a intrat in casa.
5.Ei inotau in lac cand a inceput sa ploua.
6.A intarzaiat deoarece a pierdut autobuzul.
7.Astept autobuzul de 20 de minute.
8.Am purtat o rochie rosie la petrecerea de sambata seara.
9.La ce ora a izbucnit incendiul?
10.Zburam deasupra oceanului cand avionul a inceput sa tremure.

Răspuns :

1. When I go to London, I (usually) stay in a luxurious hotel.
2. Were they tired when you met them?
3. The plane landed 2 (two) hours ago.
4. The baby was crying when his mother entered the house.
5. They were swimming in the lake when it started to rain.
6. He was late because he had missed the bus.
7. I have been waiting for the bus for 20 (twenty) minutes.
8. I wore a red dress at the party on Saturday evening.
9. At what time/hour did the fire burst out?
10. I was flying over the ocen when the plane started to shake.