Răspuns :
Sîmbăta și duminica sunt cele mai așteptate zile. Sambata am petrecut ziua cu părinții mei. Afară era un timp destul de frumos și noi am hotărît să organizăm o curățenie generală în jurul casei. Cu toții eram concentrați la treabă. Seara mama a pregătit cina și am cinat impreună.Duminică mi-am chemat cîteva prietene și noi am privit un film interesant, iar apoi noi am făcut temele. După am fost să facem o plimbare la aer curat și am revenit acasa. Am cinat împreună cu familia, noi am mai stat de vorbă, noi am privit un serial.Așa am petrecut eu zilele de odihnă.
Saturday and Sunday are the most anticipated days. Saturday I spent the day with my parents. Outside it was a fairly nice and we decided to organize a general cleaning around the house. We were all focused on the job. Evening mother made dinner and we had dinner together.Sunday I called a few friends and we watched an interesting movie, and then we have done our homework. After we went to take a walk in the fresh air and returned home. I had dinner with my family, we've talked, we watched a show.So I've spent the weekends.
Saturday and Sunday are the most anticipated days. Saturday I spent the day with my parents. Outside it was a fairly nice and we decided to organize a general cleaning around the house. We were all focused on the job. Evening mother made dinner and we had dinner together.Sunday I called a few friends and we watched an interesting movie, and then we have done our homework. After we went to take a walk in the fresh air and returned home. I had dinner with my family, we've talked, we watched a show.So I've spent the weekends.
Pentru sâmbãtã şi duminicã am plãnuit alãturi de iubitul meu o mica escapadã la munte. Îmi doream sã mã plimb prin cetatea Râşnovului, sã vizitez încã o data Branul, sã nu am nimic de fãcut, doar de admirat peisaje frumoase.
Din pãcate ploaia ne-a cam dat planurile peste cap, dar nu mã plâng pentru cã am avut parte de un weekend minunat şi relaxant în care am fost rãsfãţatã peste mãsurã
Drumul spre Bran a fost minunat. Culoarul Rucãr-Bran a fost împodobit de nori şi chiar treceam printre ei. Am fãcut câteva fotografii, dar nu prea aveai unde sã opreşti pe acel drum, aşa cã mare parte dintre peisaje le voi pãstra ca amintiri.
I planned for Saturday and Sunday together with my boyfriend a little getaway in the mountains. I wanted to walk through Rasnov to visit Bran again, I have nothing to do, just to admire beautiful landscapes.
Unfortunately the rain gave us about his plans, but I'm not complaining because I had a wonderful and relaxing weekend we have been spoiled over the extent
The road to Bran was great. Rucar-Bran was adorned with clouds and even passed among them. I made some shots, but not have a place to stop on that road, so that many of them will keep the memories landscapes.
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