
Alcătuiți o povestire în engleză cu unele din cuvintele: engagement,fiance/fiancee,wedding,bride,bride-groom,god parent(s)/son,bridesmaid,the best man,wedding reception,honey moon,marriage,festive,merry,enjoyable,to bless,to pray to God,to keep (up the) tradition,to baptize/to christen,to celebrate/to mark..
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Yesterday morning was the most special as my sister was going to get married. I couldn t belive, that she was finally a bride. The wedding preparations went well, and all out family was so happy because she got pregnant about a month before the party. However, what impressed me most, was the wedding reception which was decorated with thousands and thousands of flowers. The tradition says that you will have as many children as your flowers at your wedding. I know, it is quite a crazy thing but we must respect it. After we entered the ballroom, we praied to God to bless our grooms and we had a great time all night. It passed 2 months since the wedding, and now we are waiting for them to come from their honeymoon from Maldives.