
if I were to go to dinner I would choose ...O PERSONALITATE din Moldova cunoscuta de noi toti .
Varog facetimi o compunere cu titlul acesta ofer 100 puncte si coronita.Dar personalitatea poate sa fie Carlas Dreams

Răspuns :

If I were to go on a dinner I would choose
Carla's dreams

If I could go on a dinner with an important man from "Moldova" I would choose defintely
chose "Carla's dreams".
Why? First of all he is a person I really want to meet since I heard one of his songs. Second of all he is cool and you have to admit it. Third of all I want him to sing me a song. (dacà vrei poți să spui una din operele lui deoarece eu nu am să pomenesc nici una).
I am a guy so I don't "love"(adicà nu sunt îndrăgostit de el cu doar îl plac) him but I still like him for the way he sings, the way he speaks,the fact that he gathered so many followers and a big part of my country loves him. The last reason I want to say is that I don't know any other person from Moladova.

Ce e în paranteză e doar o explicație sau o completare.
Tastatura îmi face figuri şi poți gasi acolo diverse cuv. care nu-şi au locul.

Sper că am ajutat☺