
Descrie casa ta in engleza ! Vreau sa contina:bucatarie,baie,sufragerie,2 dormitoare si magazie) Va rog adaugati : Bucataria este langa sufragerie,In fata sufrageriei este camera mea .In partea stanga a bucatariei este baia .Langa baie este o magazie si langa magazie este un hol.Dormitorul parintilor mei este in partea stanga a sufrageriei.
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Răspuns :

hey my name is ...... and today i will present to you my house. Its a quite big one! it has a very big garden and it has 2 floors.My room is at the 2nd floor with my broather's mother's and father's ones.Also it has 4 bathrooms, 2 at each floor. The living room is pretty big and crowded.A huge flat TV is greeting you togheter with a big couch when you enter in the room.