
Ajutatima la engleza repede!!
Din the search episodul 3.Il gasiti si pe internet.

Look! it's a photograph of me and my brother and sister.
And who's that?
Thet's my father.
Have i got a family?
You've got me and Howard.
Buut you're not my mother and father.
Look, are you ready?
Yes,this is my case.
Right,take it outside.
Have you got the passports and tickets?
Yes. Here they are.
And the keys to the house in England?
Well,the taxi's here but where's Peter?
Peter,Peter! Where are you?
I'm i my room.
All right.
Well,hurry up.The plane to England is at 3 o'clock.

1. Sally has got a sister.
2.Sally hs got two brohers.
3.Peter got a case.
4.Sally hs got the passports.
5.howard has got the keys to the house in England.
6.Peter has got a rock in his case.

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