Prezentul continuu (sau progresiv) se formeaza din: a fi + verb + ing
1. Andrew's classmates are having an English lesson.
Colegii lui Andrei au ora de engleza.
2. They are writing a dictation.
Ei scriu o dictare.
3. The teacher is reading the text.
Profesorul citeste textul.
4. Nina is entering the classroom. She is late.
Nina intra in clasa. Ea a intarziat.
5. The teacher and the pupils are speaking English.
Profesorul si elevii vorbesc engleza.
6. Andrew's mother is at home now. She is cooking lunch.
Mama lui andrei este acum acasa. Ea pregateste pranzul.
7. She is making a chocolate cake.
Ea face un tort de ciocolata.