1.Student A ask student B:
-What are you doing tomorrow evening?
-I will do my homework tommorow evening.
-Have you ever seen Janet Jackson in real life?
-No, but I am going to do that in the future.
-Would you lie to go to see her in concert?
-Yes, I would like to do that ( and I am going to, dacă vrei neapărat cu going și cu will)
-When you will phone me to fix a date to meet?
-I dont know, but I am going to call you when I'll have some time.
Now student B ask student A
-What are you doing next weekend?
-I think I will watch a movie.
-Have you ever slept in a tent?
-No, but I am going to do that this summer.
-Would you like to go for camping with me in the country?
-Yes, I would like to do that.
-When are you going to call me to make the arrangement?
-When I will have time.