
Trebuie sa fac un email in engleză unde trebuie sa invit o persona la majoratul meu ... Aici trebuie sa specific ora data locatia cum este petrecerea muzică mâncarea băuturi .... Va rog ajutatima

Răspuns :

                                                                                         10.noiembrie 2016
Dear Ioana,
 I invite you to my adulthood. It takes place on 22 December 2016 in school. Music is rok, jazz and easy. We have more alcohol: juice, water, milk and more. The food is good, it really is delicious: mashed potatoes with chicken, rice with meat, cioarba belly or dumplings, and therefore dessert, chocolate cake with 3 floors. I hope you will have fun.                                     Dearfully ,                                                 ..............( numele tau)