
Traducere romana va rog Dau COROANA URGENT!!
Mrs Dashwood was so deeply hurt by this impolite behavior ,and she hated her daughter-in-law so much for it , that,o n her arrival,she wanted to leave the house forever. Also ,her love for her three children helped her change her mind and for their sakes she avoided a disagreement with their brother. Elinor ,the eldest daughter , possessed a great strength of understanding and coolness of judgement. She was often able to influence Mrs Dashwood,whose enthusiastic nature sometimes led to hasty decision. It was a knowledge which her mother had yet to learn and which one of her sisters was determined never to be taught.
Marianne's abilities were,in many respects,the same as Elinor's. She was sensible and clever but her sorrows her joys had no limits. She was generous,likeable,interesting and everything but careful. The similarity between her and her mother was striking.

Răspuns :

Dna. Dashwood a fost atat de ranita de comportamentul ei nepoliticos, si isi ura nora atat de mult incat, la sosirea ei, a vrut sa paraseasca casa pentru totdeauna. De asemeanea, dragostea ei pentru cei trei copii ai sai a ajutat-o sa se razgandeasca si de dragul lor a evitat neintelegerile cu fratele lor. Elinor, fiica cea mai mare, avea (sau era posesoarea - tradus chiar mot-a-mot) o mare (uriasa) putere de intelegere si de judecata corecta. deseori era capabila sa o influenteze pe dna. Dashwood a carei natura entuziasta o indrepta uneori catre o decizie pripita. Era o stiinta pe care  mama ei inca o mai avea de invatat si pe care una dintre surosrile sale era determinata sa nu o invete niciodata.
Abilitatile Marianei (sau daca vrei ale lui Marianne) erau in multe privinte asemanatoare cu cele ale lui Elinos. Era sensibila si isteata, dar  tristetiile ei, bucuriile ei nu aveau limite. Era generoasa, placuta, interesanta si de toate dar foarte atenta. Asemanarile dintre ea si mama ei erau izbitoare.

...Sper sa fie bine :)) cuvintele din engleza astea sunt doar ca traducerea suna un pic ..ciudat :)) ::P