
DAU COROANA + 50 DE PUNCTE!!! Traduceti in limba engleza urmatorul text, dar nu folositi google translate " Vara trecuta am mers in excursie cu tatal meu si am vizitat un castel vechi. Cand am intrat toate usile erau inchise si toate lucrurile erau foarte vechi. În timp ce urcam scarile mi s.a parut ca cineva mergea in spatele nostru. M.am intors dar nu am vazut pe nimeni. Curand am ajuns pe acoperis si am admirat imprejurimile. În timp ce priveam in toate partile am simtit din nou acea prezenta. Tata asculta muzica si nu era atent. Chiar cand ma intorceam spre el o pisica a sarit in bratele mele. M.am speriat si am cazut. Și in cele din urma tata a ras cand m.a vazut si am plecat acasa.

Răspuns :

The last summer I went on a trip with my father and visited an old castle. When I entered, the doors were closed and all the things were very old. While climbing the stairs it seemed like someone was walking behind us. I turned around but I did´nt see anyone. Soon I reached the roof and I admired the surroundings. As I watched the surroundings I felt that someone were behind us again. My father were listening to music and was´nt paying  attention.
Right then when I was to turn around to him a car jumped to my arms. I got affraid and fell.
Dad laughed when he saw me fall, then we went home.