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By the time Robbie got to back his uncle's, everyone else had already sat down to dinner. Robbie took his place at the long table in the dark old dining room. He really didn't like staying at his uncle's house; he found it a bit frightening, and the constant rain and wind added to the chilling atmosphere.
It had been another long, boring day. He had spent the morning in lessons, then he had helped Aunt Margaret in the garden before he met the new friends he had made.The best part of the day had been the football match with his friends. His cousin Helen , who sat opposite him at the table was, as usual, ignoring him. 'Have you heard,' asked Uncle Mark , 'There's been another victim of the "Thing", as everyone's starting to call it.'
'Oh, no ! The sixth one already !' said Aunt Margaret . ''Who was it this time? Another child?'
'Arthur Grimsby,' replied Helen excitedly. 'Apparently when they found him in his bed this morning, the Thing had struck.He was as white as a sheet and was staring into the distance, looking terrified.''
'Poor Arthur ! exclaimed Aunt Margaret. 'Are they sure it;s the Thing ?'
'Well , his symptoms are exactly the same as the others ; he can't speak, he's stiff as a board and he's got those strange marks on his neck and tongue. There's no doubt it's the Thing, whatever that is! ' said Uncle Mark.
'Selina says he looked as if he'd seen something really horrigying. Perhaps he had, ' added Helen. They finished their meal in silence.
After they had eaten, Robbie went slowly upstairs to his room. He was still thinking about the conversation at dinner and now he was really frightened . He must forget about the Thing or he wouldn't sleep. He shut his eyes tightly and thought of home.
As he was falling asleep, the wind blew his window open and a hair -raising , blood-curding scream filled his head.

Răspuns :

Odată ce Robbie a ajuns la unchiul său, toată lumea deja se aşezase la cină.Robbie s-a aşezat la locul său în vechea bucătărie întunecată.Chiar nu îi plăcea săstea la unchiul său acasă, îi se părea puţin înfricoşător, iar ploaia coanstantă şi vântul se adăugau la atmosfera bizară.A fost încă o zi lungă, plictisitoare.Şi-a petrecut ziua în lecţii (sorry, aici nu  prea ştiu cum să traduc), iar apoi a ajutat-o pe mătuşa Margaret în grădină înainte de a-şi întâlni noi prieteni.Verişoara sa, Helen, care stătea în partea opusă a mesei, îl ignora ce deobicei.,,Ai auzit'' întreabă unchiul Mark, ,,încă o victimă a ,,lucrului'', cum spune toată lumea?''.,,Oh nu!Deja a şasea!''spuse mătuşa Margaret.,,Cine a fost de data aceasta?Încă un copil?''. ,,Arthur Grimsby'' a răspuns Helen stârnită.,,Se pare că atunci când l-au găsit dimineaţa în pat, ,,lucrul'' deja a lovit.Era alb ca foaia, şi se uita în gol terifiat.''. ,,Săracul Arthur!'' răspunde  mătusa  Margaret, ,,Sunt siguri că a fost ,,lucrul'' de vină?'',,Păi, simptomele sale sunt exact ca ale celorlalţi; nu poate vorbi, este rigid ca tabla; şi are petele acelea ciudate pe gât şi pe limbă. Fără îndoială, a fost ,,lucrul'', orice ar fi acela''spuse unchiul Mark. ,,Selina spune că se uita ca şi cum ar fi văzut ceva foarte terifiant.Poate aşa a fost''a adăugat Helen.Şi-au terminat masa în linişte.După ce au mâncat, Robbie a urcat încet spre camera sa. Încă se gândea la conversaţia de la masă, şi era foarte înfricoşat.Trebuia să uite de ,,lucru'' sau altfel nu ar fi adormit.Şi-a închis ochii strâns gândindu-se la casă.În timp ce adormea, vântul a suflat fereastlra (a făcut zgomot mă rog) şi un ţipăt de îţi ridică părul de pe mâini i-a umplut mintea.

Traducerea nu este motamo, am adaptat-o.Sper că te-am ajutat.
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