
O compunere in engleza sa descriem un obiect, un eveniment si o persoana.

Răspuns :

A tidy boy Doina ( coming from scholl ) : " Hello , Radu ! What are you doing ?" Radu : " I'm doing my room . When one cuts patterns for a ( air ) plane - model there are always scraps on the floor ." Doina : " Put them all into the waste - paper basket . What is there on the wardrobe ?" Radu : " My books and my scissors ." Doina : " By the way , give me your scissors , please . I have to cut a blouse for my sewing - class ." Radu : " Here You are , Doina ." Doina : Thanks." Radu : " Remember and put back the scissors in their place ." Doina : " Are You sure their place is on the wardrobe ?" A party Suzana : " Welcome , dear Ana . Thank You for the flowers ." Ana : " Don't mention it . I know You like flowers very much ." Suzana : " Come into the sitting - room . Doina , Cornelia and Petrica are already here ." Ana : " Just a moment , please . I want to comb my hair a little . Well, I'm ready . Let's go ." Ana ( to the others ) : " Good afternoon to all of You ." ( shakes hands ) . The others : " Good afternoon , Ana ." Suzana : " Will You sit down on this chair ?" Ana : " Thank You . Oh , what a big cake is there on the sideboard .Let me change the chair . One cannot talk when looking at such a cake all the time ." Suzana : " Let's have it then ." Ana : " Oh , no , let's wait for all the others to come . But , will You give me a glass of water first ? It' s very warm in your flat ."