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As you are walking through the woods a small butterfly fluttersby.its bright colourful wwings shine in the sunlight.under the shadow of atree you see a fawn.its fur has white speckles.when it lies or stands motionless it blends with the sunlight and grass.it is almost impossible to see it.then you come across a nest of baby hares.their grey-brown colouring blends with the background.when they feel that an enemy is near they lie very still.the enemy will not see them if they don't move.during the summer its grey-brown colour matches the soil and leaves.late in autumn white fur grows and replaces the hare's brown coat.this allows yhe hare to blend with the white snow.in spring the colour changes again,and the hare becomes brown.as the hare is activeboth in summer and in winter these colour chages are necessary to its survival.some animals can change their body colour to match diferent backgrounds.the lizad's skin colour changes due to differences in emotions light and temperature.every field forest and riverbank iss home to varius animals.watching them can give us new knowledge about the wonders and mysteries of living things.


Răspuns :

In timp ce tu te plimbi prin padure un mic fluturaj zboara pe langa tine.el are aripi de culori deschise ce stralucesc in lumina soarelui.sub umbra unui copac tu vezi (nush ce inseamna fawn). blana sa are picatele albe.in timp ce sta nemiscat se amesteca cu lumina soarelui si iarba. este aproape imposibil sa il vezi.
Tre sa plec undeva sper ca te am ajutat cat de cat asta este traducerea pana la "it s impossible to see it"