read - past simple: I read a book.
-past continuous: I was reading a book.
began -past simple : He began the homework.
-past continuous: He was begining the homework.
come - p.s. : She came home.
-p.c. :He is coming home.
learn : - p.s.: I learned very much for the test.
: p.c. : I was learning very much time.
travell : p.s. : We travelled to Spain.
: p.c.: We werw travelling to China.
know :p.s.: We knew the answer.
-p.c. : You was knowing what happend with Clara.
belive : -p.s.: You believed in me.
- p.c.: I was believing in you.
arise: p.s. : He arised suddenly.
: p.c. : The plants was arising very fast.