
Trebuie sa citesc intructiunile de pe Paracetamol si sa scriu cate un raspuns pt fiecare intrabare : Pe paracetamol scrie :
Paracetamol is for headache , mirigrane, backache , rheumatic and muscle pain , colds , influenza , andsore throats .
Adults : 2 capsule la 4 ore repetat , a nu se consuma 8 capsule lin 24 de h
Copilul : 6-14 ani 1 capsula la 4 h , nu are voie 4 capsule pe zi .
Daca simtomul persista consultati un medic , iar intrebarile sunt in felul urmator :
a) Is it recommended for headaches and rheumatic pains ?
b)What the maximum number of tablet an adults should take in 24 h
c)What s the maximum number of tablet you should take in 24 h
Am nevoie repede de rezolvare pls .

Răspuns :

a)yes,it is recommended.
b)Adults should take in 24 h almoust 3-4 tablets.
c)i am child,so i will take maximum 2-3 tablets in 24 h.