
Scrieti in engleza urmatoarele propozitii :
1.Nepotul meu va implini 10 ani saptamana viitoare.
2.De indata ce va ajunge acasa te va suna.
3.Socrii ei vor venii in vizita maine.
4.Cand va incepe ploaia vom intra in casa.
5.Sotul ei va pleca la Paris peste cateva luni.
6.Fiul lui va vorbi limba spaniola cand vor ajunge in Spania.
7.Te vor astepta daca le vei spune cand sosesti.

Răspuns :

My son will be 10 years old next weekend
When he will get home he will call you
My grandparents will come visit us tommorow
When the rain will start we will go in our house
Her husband is gonna go to Paris in a few months
His son will talk in spanish when he arrives in Spain
They will wait for you if you tell them when you arrive