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It was Tuesday last week, I think. I was do terribly tired, I could barely see two inches in front of me. After I had done my homework, I got up and decided to get a glass of water, to hidrate myself after all the writing I had done. It's a bit of a blur, if I'm to be honest. It happened so fast, it was hard to make sense of anything anymore. When I actually looked around, I realised I was on the floor, on my back, almost, and there was this sharp pain in my back. It took me several moments before I truly understood what had happened. As I got a glass from the cupboard, I somehow dropped it on the floor, and I had to pick it up, but that wasn't meant to be. Shards of glass were everywhere, and I had to clean it up, annoyed at myself for my clumsiness. To make matters worse, I somehow stepped into one of the shards and then fell backwards, landing into even more glass shards. It hurt so back, on of them literally inside my lower back. There wasn't much I could do, really, but call for help from my mother, who managed to take the piece out of my back in the end. It was a long, painful process, but it did teach me a lesson. Whenever you're too tired to keep your eyes open, the safest thing to do is sleep, and then get a glass of water.

Răspuns :

Era marti saptamana trecuta, cred. Eram teribil de obosita, puteam practic sa vad doi cm in fata mea. Dupa ce mi-am terminat tema, m-am ridicat si am hotarat sa beau un pahar de apa, pentru a ma hidrata dupa toate temele pe care le-am facut. Vad putin in ceata, daca e sa fiu onesta. S-a intamplat atat de repede, era greu sa mai gasesc un sens tuturor celor intamplate. Cand m-am uitat in jur, am realizat ca sunt pe podea, pe spate, aproape, si aveam o durere intepatoare, ascutita in spate. Mi-a luat cateva momenre pana sa inteleg ce s-a iintamplat cu adevarat. Am luat paharul de pe dulap, si cumva l-am scapat pe podea si a trebuit sa il ridic, dar nu era ceea ce vroiam sa fie. Cioburi de sticla erau peste tot, si a trebuit sa curat, fiind enervata de mine insumi pentru neindemanarea mea. Ca sa fac totul mai rau, cumva, am calcat intr-un ciob si mai apoi am cazut pe spate, cazand pe mai multe cioburi. A durut atat de tare, unul dintre cioburi mi-au iintrat in partea de jos a spatelui. Nu era aveam ce face, pe bune, dar sa ii cer ajutorul mamei, care a trebuit sa imi scoata bucatile de cioburi din spate la sfarsit. A fost un lung, dureros proces, dar m-a invatat o lectie. Oricand esti prea obosit sa iti tii ochii deschisi, cel mai sigur lucru este sa dormi, iar mai apoi sa bei un pahar de apa.