
Vreau si eu o compunere in engleza cu titlul " Amintiri din copilarie " . Din titlu se vede clar ca trebuie sa fie o amintire din copilarie fie una buna fie una proasta. Multumesc anticipat!

Răspuns :

Childhood memories.

Everytime I'm thinking at my childhood , when I was about 9 to 11 years old , I won't forget a thing that marked my whole life . I remember being with my friends . We were riding the bike in the city and we basically , without even realizing , we got too far away from our houses. We laughed , talked . The time passed faster than we thought. But , somehow , one of us realized that we were in an area that no one knew about it. At that time we all stopped. We started asking ourselves what to do . We were scared  due to the fact the it was close to 9PM and it was dark outside. What happened next? Well , we started to ask people where should we go to go back to that part of the city that we knew. They all answered but one of them , a male , started to ask what were we doing here without our parents. We told him that we got lost . The problem was that that guy wasn't alone but with 2 of his friends . Then , I started realizing that what happened between us and that guy was not as good as I expected to be. He wanted us to leave our bikes and go away. So yes , he wanted to steal them . We could manage to run with them but that guy wasn't alone so that was the main problem . WE literally left our bikes and ran because there wasn't anything we could do to get our bikes back. When we arrived at home at midnight , our parents were worried and they punished us . We all stayed 2 weeks in our houses without even see each other. It was a bad time but me and my friends were good that nothing has happened to us in that day .