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Buna!Eu sunt o pisica neagra.Orice poveste despre vrajitoare vei citi aceasta va include si o pisica neagra. Nu e nici un secret ce de-a lungul vremii pisica neagra a fost asociata cu vrajitoria.In Japonia, Marea Britanie, parti din Asia si Europa, atunci cand o pisica neagra iti taie calea ar trebui sa zambesti,se zice ca e semn de mare noroc si bunastare.Altii zic ca eu aduc ghinion..''Dacă o pisica neagra iti taie calea,o sa ai ghinion''..vrăjeală.Eu cred ca daca ti-as taia calea,ar insemna ca vreau sa merg undeva.

Răspuns :

hello!I am a black cat.Every story you will read about a witch will include a black cat to.It's no secret(mistery) that the black cat was associeted with sorrcery.In Japan,Great britan and in other parts of europe and Asia,when a black cat gets in your way it would be likely that you smile,it is said that if you do that you get luck.Some say that it gets you bad luck.."If a black cat gets in your way you have bad luck."..stupid.I think that if I would get in your way,that would mean that I want to get somewhere.