
Traduceti in engleza :
1.Trenul nostru porneste incet din gara. Mahalalele orasului,cu ulitele inguste si casute darapanate,cu fabrici care isi inalta cosurile negre ca niste trunchiuri de copaci uitati de mult,dintr-o padure preistorica parca, raman toate in urma,se sterg din pervazul vagonului,ca si cand ar intra deodata in pamant.
2.Ma asez pe canapeaua de plus rosu a vagonului si desfac o gazeta, dupa ce-mi arunc mai intai ochii inaintea mea-o doamna citeste ca si mine.Din dosul gazetei nu-i pot vedea nici o particica din obraz.Nici nu doresc,la urma urmei.Stirile din "Universul",proaspete,la ora sase dimineata,ca si zațul care-mi innegreste mana,imi fura privirile mai mult decat mintea,caci,citind numirile din ministere si noile decocari imi dau , in acceasi vreme, seama ca mi-am uitat bastonul in bufetul garii.

Răspuns :

Our train starts slowly from the station. City slums, with narrow streets and narrow houses dilapidated, with factories raise their baskets black like tree trunks forget much of a primeval forest park, remain all back, wipe the sill of the car, as if they come suddenly in the ground.

I sit on the couch plush red wagon and making a newspaper after throw my eyes first lady before me a newspaper read as mine.Din back I can not see any morsel of obraz.Nici unwilling after urmei.Stirile of "Universe" fresh, at six o'clock in the morning, as the grounds that darkens my hand, I steal glances more than mind, because reading appointments in ministries and give me new decocari, confort weather I realize that I forgot my cane in the station buffet.