
Descriete pe tine detaliat in engleza dupa urmatoarele puncte: 1.My name is 2.I am 13 years old 3.I'm from 4.I have bron eyes etc. 5.I like/ dislike 6.My friends are 7.Tall about my family 8.Hobbies 9.Final Va rog am nevoie urgent!!!!

Răspuns :

my name is *numele tau*. i am 13 years old and im from *de unde esti tu*. i have brown eyes, blond hair. i like to play computer games and i dislike selfish people. my friend are *numele prietenilor tai*. i have/havent a brother *depinde de tine*. i like to sing, draw and travel. this is me and i hope we could be friends.