
put the folowing verbs info the present simple and continuous : to read to write to run to listen to larn

Răspuns :

write... writting
run... running
listen... listening
cred ca ai vrut sa scrii to learn nu larn deci: Learn... learning
Prima e la present simple si a 2-a la continuous
present simple:I read, you read, he she it reads, we read you read they read
I write you write he she it writes we write you write they write
I run you run he she it runs we run you run they run
I listen you listen he she it listens we listen you listen they listen
I learn you learn he she it learns we learn you learn they learn
present continuous:
I am reading you are reading he she it is reading we are reading you are reading they are reading
I am writing you are writing he she it is writing we are writing you are writing they are writing
I am running you are running he she it is running we are running you are running they are running
I am listening you are listening he she it is listening we are listening you are listening they are listening
I am learning you are learning he she it is learning we are learning you are learning they are learning