
Am urgenta nevoie de aceste fraze traduse in engleza! va rog mult!
- Pe cand imi cautam ziarul, cineva a batut la usa; in timp ce ma duceam sa raspund, a sunat telefonul; telefonul inca mai suna cand am deschis usa, dar s.a oprit cand m.am hotarat sa raspund.
- Citeam inca, atunci cand a venit varul meu sa ma anunte ca trenul in care ne aflam traversa Muntii Carpati.
- Paul manca, dar ii urmaream cu privirea pe cei doi turisti care vorbeau tare despre ursul aceva mare caruia ii straluceau ochii in lumina focului de tabara. La ce se gandea George? Canta un cantec vesel, dar parea ca este preocupat de altceva.
Va rog mult! Multumesc!

Răspuns :

While I was searching for my newspaper, someone knocked on the door; while I was going to open, the phone rang; the phone was still ringing when I open the door, but it stoped when I was going to answer.
I was still reading when my cousin came to announce me that the train I was in was going trough the Carpathian Mountains. 
Paul was eating, but I was watcching the two tourists that were speaking out loud about that bear.... (nu stiu aici). What was George thinking? He was singing a happy song, but he was busy with something else.
Sper ca e buna engleza mea!:))