
scrieti in engleza textul urmator:
Astazi este luni.Ma trezesc cu lene si ma pregatesc de scoala . Ma imbrac ,imi pregatesc micul de jun si pornesc la drum.
Orele au fost interesante dar pe la sfarsit m-am plictisit de tot .Bucuroasa ca aud clopotelul imi iau ghiozdanul si plec acasa.
Cand ajung ma pun pe pat si ma odihnesc .Desigur ca trebuie sa imi fac temele .ele sunt o multime deci va dura ceva.
Dupa ce am terminat citesc sau pictez .dar cel mai des ma bucur ca am terminat toate temele.
Vine si seara asa ca ma bag in pat si ma gandesc ca maine e o noua zi obosituare. VA ROG NU DE PE NET !

Răspuns :

MonthsToday is luni.Ma wake up lazy and get ready for school. I dress, I prepare my little jun and hit the road.The hours were interesting but in the end I got bored of all that hear the bell .Bucuroasa take my bag and go home.When I get put me on the bed and get some rest .Of course we have to do my homework reasonable.They are a lot so it will take something.After I finished reading or painting most .but I'm glad I finished all my homework.Evening comes and so I go to bed and think that tomorrow is a new day obosituare.