
Dau coroana si 20 de puncte ! Va rog !
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Dear diary,
We had a very special kind of party last night. A long time ago, in 1605, some people tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament to kil king James I . The conspirators were Catholics and they were unhappy because they weren't allowed to follow their region openly. A man called Guy Fawkes was guarding the gunpower when they discovered the plot. He was executed on 5th November. Ever since then, the English have celebrated Bonfire Night on that date. Kids make an effigy of Guy Fawkes called 'the guy'. They burn the guy on a bonfire and they have fireworks.
We were dying to light the fireworks but we were not allowed to. Apparently there have often been accidents where children have burnt themselves badly. You can't even buy fireworks until you are over 16 !
The party was very informal. We made ourselves sausages and potatoes ( yes, again ! ) in the bonfire. Then we danced and played games but we turned off the musical at 11. You can't play loud music after that because some people want to go to sleep then. I can't imagine why !
I haven't enjoyed myself so much in ages !

Răspuns :

Draga jurnalule,
Am avut un fel de precere foarte speciala aseara. Acum mult timp in 1605, unii oameni au incercat sa explodeze Casa Parlamentului pentru a-l ucide pe regele James I. Conspiratorii erau catolici si erau nefericiti pentru ca ei nu aveau voie sa-si urmeze religia liber. Un om numit Guy Fawkes pazea praful de pusca cand au descoperit intriga. El a fost executat pe data de 5 noiembrie. Inca de atunci, englezii au sarbatorit Bonfire Night (noaptea focului de tabara) pe acea data. Copii faceau o mascota a lui Guy Fawkes numita "omul". Ei ardeau acel om in focul de tabara si aveau artificii.
Nu mai putea astepta sa dam drumul la artificii dar nu aveam voie. Aparent, au fost frecvente accidente in care copii s-au ars destul de rau. Nici macar nu poti sa cumperi artificii pana nu ai 16 ani!
Petrecerea a fost foarte familiara/prietenoasa. Ne-am gatit carnati si cartofi (da, din nou! ) la focul de tabara. Apoi am dansat si ne-am jucat niste jocuri dar am oprit muzica la 11. Nu ai voie sa asculti muzica tare dupa aceea pentru ca unii oameni vor sa mearga la culcare. Nu mi imaginez de ce!
Nu m-am m-ai distrat asa tare de multa vreme.