Singular engleza si romana:
Am mancat un mar.
I ate an apple.
El s-a dus la mare in vacanta.
He went to the seaside on vacation.
Tu ai mers la el acasa.
You went to his home.
Eu am jucat un joc pe calculator.
I played a computer game.
Ea a sarit coarda.
She skipped the rope.
Plurar engleza si romana:
Noi am cumparat pere.
We bought pears.
Voi ati adus nuci.
You brought nuts.
Ei au fost in magazine,dar nu au gasit aia.
They went in stores,but they didn't find that.
Ne-am adus jucariile.
We brought our toys.
Voi ati fost la la teatre.
You were at the theatres.