
Traduceti propozitiile din romana engleza si punetile la negativ si inerogaativ:Copii se joaca in gradina in fiecare zi. Sora mea gateste supa acum. Fratele meu conduce masina in fiecare zi.Profesorul de invata in fiecare luni.Tata spala masina acum.Va rogggg repede este urgent

Răspuns :

The children play in the garden every day.
The children don't play in the garden every day.
Do the children play in the garden every day?

My sister is cooking soup now.
My sister isn't cooking soup now.
Is my sister cooking soup now?

My brother drives the car every day.
my brother doesn't drive the car every day.
Does my brother drive the car every day?

The teacher/professor teaches every Monday.
The teacher/professor doesn't teach every Monday.
Does the teacher/professor teach every Monday?

Father is washing the car now.
Father isn't washing the car now.
Is father washing the car now?