
Traducere in engleză, urgent va rog!!
In vacanta de vara eu am făcut destul de multe lucruri cu familia mea. In primele săptămâni de vacanţa am stat împreună cu familia mea, dupa aceste cateva saptamani minunate eu am fost pe la bunica mea, recent operata, si am avut grija de ea ,am stat împreună cu ea destul de mult timp. Am vorbit foarte multe lucruri. In restul vacantei am stat mai mult pe acasa deoarece casa mea este în constructie, cel puţin holul si sala. Vacanta mea de vara a fost destul de buna dar si umpic plictisitoare dar vara a trecut si acum şcoala a inceput. Aceata a fost vanta mea de vara.

Răspuns :

In the summer break I did a lot of stuff with my family. In the first weeks of vacantions I stayed with my family, after that awesome weeks I went to my grandma, that recently had a surgery , and I took care of her, we stood togheter quite a long time. We talked about lots of things. In the rest fo the vacantion I stayed at home because my house is under construction, at least the hallway and the hall.. My summer break was pretty good but a little bit boring. The summer ended and the school already started. This was my summer vacantion.