
Va rog sa ma ajutati. Imi puteri scrie aceasta compunere in engleza? Iata compunerea:

De ziua mea

De ziua mea am fost la Cernica si m-am catarat pe niste trasee prin copaci. Am fost cu sora mea. In timp ce ea a facut un traseu mare, eu am facut trei mici. Cand a terminat am facut un traseu mare impreuna. A fost destul de greu dar am mers pana la capat. La sfarsit m-am mai dat pe o tiroliana deasupra unui lac. A fost o mare experienta. Acasa ma mai astepta si un tort. A fost
cea mai tare zi din viata mea.

Am incercat sa o scriu eu in engleza dar nu am reusit. VA MULTUMESC!!!

Răspuns :

My birthday
At my birthday I was at Cernica and I climbed on the trees with my sister, when she does a big route I do three little routes. When she finally done we did a big route together. It was enough hard but I went all the way. At the end I gave on the flaying fox above a lake . It was a big experience . At home a cake was waiting for me . It was the best day of my life .
Nu stiu sigur daca sunt corecte toate propozițiile , poate am mai greșit
I went to Cernica on my bithday and I climbed in trees following some game routes. My sister accompanied me. While she followed a more complex route, I followed three smaller ones. After she reached to the finish line, we pursued a complicated route together. It was quite difficult for me, but I succeeded to finish it. In the end, I also crossed above a lake using a Tyrolean traverse. This was such an exciting experience! Later on, I was waited for with a birthday cake. It was the most sensational day of my life!