Unde apare (...), vei copia exact propozitia data in exercitiu, asa cum arata si modelul.
1. (...), but they haven't replied yet.
2. (...), but you haven't done it yet.
3. (...), but he hasn't given it back to me yet.
4. (...), but he hasn't found it yet.
5. (...), but he hasn't given it back yet.
6. (...), but she hasn't returned from there yet. (aici cred ca e o greseala de tipar in carte, referitor la "return it")
7. (...), but I haven't returned it yet.
8. (...), but I haven't changed them yet.
9. (...), but the bus hasn't come yet.
10. (...), but he hasn't learnt it yet.
Al doilea exercitiu (notat in carte din greseala tot cu D)
1. yet
2. already
3. already
4. already
5. yet
6. yet
7. already
8. yet? yet
9. A. yet
B. already
10. already
11. already
12. yet