
Read this text.Six lines have an extra and unnecesary word that should not Be there.Identify the extra words.
Exemple: I have known my the best friend for nearly five years now.Her name is
2.Sunita and we started at our school at the same time.I think I like
3.her most much because I known I can trust her completely.She is the
4.person I known who is the best at keeping a secret!As well as
5.that She is really good at sports .She is much more better at athletics and
6.swimming than me.În fact,She runs the faster than a lot of girls who
7,are much older then her.She also sings better than most of people I
8.known.She's în a band with some friends of hers.They're a really good.
9.Sometimes when I'm not feeling great I'll go and have a chat with
10.her.She always makes me laugh.She tells the Most funniest stories.I
11.think she's great

Răspuns :

Line 3: much
Line 4: as well as
Line 5: that , much
Line 6: the
Line 7: correct
Line 8: a
Line 9: `ll
Line 10: correct
Line 11:correct