
Raspundeti la intrebari.
1. What did you last feel really excited about ?
2. Do cheerful people make you happy ? Why ? / Why not?
3. Do you feel hopeful about the year ahead?
4. What situations make you nervous?
5. Do you ever feel frustrated with machines? Which onea? Why?
6. When did you last feel really confused about something you were learning or something someone said ? What did you do about it ?

Răspuns :

1. I was really excited about (aici poti spune tu o intamplare care te-a bucurat)
2. Yes, cheerful people make me happy. Because I fell very happy around them
3. Yes, I feel hopeful avout the year ahead
4. When I have to do a very hard exercise.
5. No, It's very easy to handle them
6. I was confused once at school at a lesson but my friend helped me understand.