
Imi traduceti va rog frumos fragmentul acesta.Nu de pe GOOGLe TRANSLATE The river has burst its banks and people are having to leave their homes quickly. Will the Kellys have to leave home too? ToM KELLY was out on the river in his boat. It was only a little rowing boat, but there was nothing in the world he loved more. It was raining, but Tom hardly noticed it. He didn't mind getting wet when he was out in his boat Hey!' a man called from the path"You'd better watch out Several trees have been blown down higher up the river and they're floating this way.

Răspuns :

''Familia Kelly va trebui să plece de acasă deasemenea? Tom Kelly se plimba pe barca sa. Era doar o mică barcă ce plutea, dar nu iubea nimic mai mult pe lume. Ploua, dar Tom abia observase. El nu s-a supărat că se uda cât era cu barca. 'Hei' un bărbat a strigat de pe drum, ''Mai bine ai fi atent, câțiva copaci au fost dărâmați in amonte și se indreadpă spre direcția asta.''