
Traduceti in engleza :Daca televizorul mi-ar fi fost luat m-as-i dus la o prietena sau o verisoara ca sa ma uit la telenovelele mele, dar daca telefonul mi-ar fi fost luat as fi incercat sa fac si alte lucruri decat sa ma joc pe el ca inainte. As fi citit o carte sau chiar mai mult as fi incercat sa fac una. Daca mi se vor lua vreodata o sa stiu ce sa fac.

Răspuns :

If the TV I would have taken me as I went to a friend or a cousin to watch soap operas me, but if the phone I would have taken would have tried to do other things than to play on him before. I would read a book or even more than I would have tried to do one . If I will ever get 'll know what to do.