
Va rogg ex 3
cine face dau cel mai bun raspuns

Va Rogg Ex 3 Cine Face Dau Cel Mai Bun Raspuns class=

Răspuns :

The steamship company shouldn't have thought that the Titanic was completely safe in all situations. Compania vapoarelor nu ar fi trebuit sa creda ca Titanicul e sigur in toate situatiile.
The company shouldn't have supplied lifeboats for only half the people. Compania nu trebuia sa aiba barci de salvare doar pentru jumatate din oameni.
Many boats shouldn't have were launched half-empty. Multe dintre barci nu ar fi trebuit sa fie lansate pe jumatate pline.
They shouldn't have gone too fast for that area.Ei nu ar fi trebuit sa mearga asa repede in acea zona,
The passengers should have recive their lifeboat numer. Pasagerii ar fi trebuit sa primească mai multe barci.
They should have practiced the lifeboat drill before the accident.
Radio officers on the Carpathia should have work 24 hours a day. Ofiterii radio de pe Carpathia trebuiau sa lucreze 24 ore pe zi. Nu stiu sigur daca e bine, dar totusi........ Coronita?