
Fill in the blanks with appropiate forms of 'take','fetch','bring','collect'.
1) I must .... my shoes from the mender's.2)He must..... his shoes to be mended.3) She went and .... her dress from the cleaner's.4) .... me that chair so that I can sit down.5) The young man ... her some flowers.6) You can .... your mal at the post-office.7) Have you... the books you promised me? 8) Nick has got a splitting headache.His mother will have to... the doctor.9) Pupils usually... sandwiches to school for lunch.10) Will you go and.... some sanwiches while I make the tea? 11) Tickets booked in advance must be .... at least one hour before the perfomance.12) There was nowhere to sit, so he ... some chairs.13) Please, ..... your younger brother to the perfomance.14) They should have.... that chair away. It's broken.15) Go and .... a cup of water, please.16) Mother ..... her sons to visit their grandmother.17) She.... the cildren from school.18) It's beginning to rain. I am sorry I haven't .... my umbrella with me