
Insert the correct articles.
a) Saint Etienne basilica was already... old building when it became.... cathedral of Paris in ... 10th centry. b) Great Gothic churches were spriging up in .... north of .... country. c) In 1163, Bishop Maurice de Sully laid .... first stone of ... new cathedral, Notre-Dame de Paris. d) In this room there is ... exhibition recounting .... history of .... building's construction and restoration works. e) Here there is ... breathtaking view over .... Seine and its bridges, which give Notre-Dame .... rare charm of being .... cathedral at .... wather's edge. f) .... complete tour of .... top of .... tower provides .... bird's eye view of .... Paris in every direction.

Răspuns :

an,a,the,b)the,thec)the,ad)an,the,the e)a,the,a,the,the f)a the,the,a,fara niciun articol,doar Paris