D) 1. I helped my sister with her homework. Did she ask you to do that? No,she didn't. I have offered to help.
2. They smiled at that boy. Do you think they knew him? No,I don't. I think they were just trying to be nice.
3. Joe looked at me at the classroom. (cred ca e gresita propozitia pentru ca nu suna bine..) Do you think he wanted something? Yes,I do because after a few minutes he asked me to help him with his homework.
4. Mary and you brushed your hair after breakfast. Did you brush your hair before breakfast too? Yes,we did. We both brush our hair very often.
5. They remembered my name. Do you think it was important for them? No,I don't,but it didn't bother me neither.
E) 1. When did Marry arrive home?
2. When did we watch TV?
3. Who decided to travel to England?
4. Where did they photograph Tour Eiffel?
5. How did we travel last summer?