
Dau coroana !!! Va rog mult!!!
Traduceti in engleza :
Iesi din statia de autobuz.
O iei la dreapta si dai de teatru.
Treci de el si faci din nou dreapta.
Acolo este barul, treci peste.
Fa stanga ,mergi drept treci de stadionul, banca si de oficiul postal.
Mergi drept pana dai de catedrala !

Răspuns :

Get out of the bus station.Take it right to give theater.Get it right and do it again.There is bar, override.Make a left, go straight past the stadium, bank and post office.Go straight to the cathedral!
                                        exit the bus station.Take it right to give theater.Get it right and do it again.There is bar, override.Make a left, go straight past the stadium, bank and post office.Go straight to the cathedral!