3. to pollute
The environment is polluted by the waste thrown into the seas and the oceans.
Mediul inconjurator este poluat de aruncare deseurilor in mari si oceane.
4. to destroy
The human destroy animals' natural habitats.
Oamenii distrug habitatele naturale ale animalelor.
5. to increase
The number of planted trees increase the amount of oxygen breathed by people.
Numarul copaciilor plantati maresc cantitatea de oxigen respirtata de catre oameni.
6. to develop
Unfortunately, the urban areas develop as we speak.
Din pacate, spatiile urbane se dezvolta in timp ce noi vorbim acum.
7. to protect
WWF is an organization which tries to protect the environment .
WWF este o organizatie care incearca sa potejeze mediul inconjurator.
8. to decrease
The amount of planted trees is decreasing in the African countries.
Numarul de copaci plantati se micsoreaza in tarile din Africa.
9. to organize
Several groups of people organized some meetings against the pollution problem around the world.
Cateva grupuri de persoane au organizat niste inatlniri importiva poluarii de peste tot don lume.
10.to reduce
The waste thrown into seas and oceans reduce the amount of drinkable water.
Deseurile aruncate in mari si oceane reduc cantitatea de apa potabila.
11.to fall
Trees are falling in many woods because of the people cutting them down.
Copacii cad in multe paduri sin cauza oameniilor care ii taie.
12. to survive
Dinosaurs didn't survive because of a huge asteroid.
Dinozaurii nu au supravietuit din cauza unui asteroid urias.
13. to release
Zoo keepers are not allowed to release any animal from thier cages.
Ingrijitorii de la zoo nu au voie sa elibereza animalele din custile lor.
14. to lose
Planet Earth has lost many species of animals because of the pollution.
Planeta Terra a pierdut multe specii de animale din cauza poluarii.