
va rog frumos sa ma ajutati la o tema de limba engleza. sa traduc propozitile. I ate hamburger in new York ,and drank some orange juice . I began school when I was 5 years old. I bought presents for my family when I went to new York . we came by car . we did our homework at the weekend. she fell in a puddle. she forgot her money . I found a lottery tichet . my brother gave me his football tichet . I got up late because there was no school . we had a big meal in London .he lost his English book . they made breakfast . I put the tichet in my pochet . she ran along the streets . this is very interesting said the policeman . she sat at desk number 13 . the policeman took the note. I went to London on holiday . last Saturday I woke up early . I won the lottery prize . they wrote a letter.

Răspuns :

Eu am mancat un hamburger in New York si am baut  suc de portocale. Am inceput scoala cand aveam 5 ani.
Am cumparat cadouri pentru familia mea cand eram in New York
 Am venit cu masina.
Ne-am facut temele in weekend.
Ea s-a indragostit de un puddle.
 Ea si-a uitat banii
.Am gasit un bilet de loterie.
 Fratele meu mi-a daruit biletul lui la meciul de fotbal.
 M-am trezit tarziu pentru ca nu aveam scoala.
Am avut un pranz mare in Londra.
El si-a pierdut cartea de engleza.
Ei au facut micul-dejun
.Am pus biletul in buzunar
.A alergat de-a lungul strazilor.
 Asta e foarte interesant, a spus politistul.
Ea a stat la masa/banca/biroul nr 13.
Politistul a luat hartia.
In vacanta am fost in Londra.
 Sambata trecuta m-am trezit devreme.
 Am castigat premiul de la loterie.
 Ei au scris o scrisoare.
       Sper ca te-am ajutat.